Top 5 mistakes to avoid as an internal communicator

In our post-Covid world, effective internal communication remains the backbone of successful organizations, promoting collaboration, productivity, and employee engagement. Internal communicators play a crucial role in transmitting information, aligning employees with company values, and ensuring a positive work culture.
However, internal communication comes with its own set of challenges.
In this article, we will explore the top five mistakes to avoid as an internal communicator in 2023 to achieve highly engaging internal communication and boost employee engagement.

Mistake #1: Ignoring Two-Way Communication Channels

One of the biggest blunders an internal communicator can make is sticking to traditional one-way communication methods. In the past, communication was often a top-down approach, where information flowed from management to employees without much room for feedback or interaction. However, this approach is no longer effective in today’s dynamic work environment.

To avoid this mistake, internal communicators should embrace two-way communication channels. These channels allow employees to actively participate in discussions, share their thoughts, and provide feedback. Collaborative platforms, such as chat forums, internal social networks, or modern digital workplace, enable employees to engage with the information, ask questions, and express their concerns. This inclusivity creates a sense of ownership among employees, making them feel valued and connected to the organization. If you want to learn more about the benefits of having a digital workplace for better employee engagement, make sure to read our Top 6 Benefits of using a Digital Workplace.

Mistake #2: Overlooking the Power of Visual Content

In the digital era, visual content has emerged as a powerful tool to capture and retain employees’ attention. Traditional text-heavy communication can be overwhelming and may not effectively convey the intended message. On the other hand, visual content, such as infographics, videos, and visually appealing presentations, offers a more engaging and immersive experience.

Internal communicators should leverage the power of visual content to make complex information more digestible and relatable for employees. Visual aids help break down complex concepts, statistics, and processes into easily understandable formats, increasing information retention. Integrating eye-catching visuals into internal communication materials enhances the overall message’s impact, making it more memorable and motivating for employees.

Yammer Visual
Yammer Visual

Mistake #3: Neglecting the Impact of Mobile Communication

With the widespread use of mobile devices, employees are increasingly relying on their smartphones and tablets for information access. Ignoring the potential of mobile communication can result in missed opportunities to reach a broader audience and engage with employees effectively.

Internal communicators should adapt their communication strategies to cater to mobile users. This involves ensuring that all communication materials, including emails, newsletters, and announcements, are optimized for mobile platforms. By doing so, employees can access important updates and information conveniently, even when they are on the move or working remotely. Mobile-friendly communication promotes a seamless and inclusive experience for all employees.
If you still struggle with reaching your front-line workers, make sure to discover our VELUX increased their front-line workers engagement on Yammer by 100% with Tryane.

Mistake #4: Failing to Personalize Internal Communication

Generic and mass communication may not resonate with employees as effectively as personalized messages. Internal communicators should avoid the mistake of sending out one-size-fits-all communication to the entire workforce.

To foster a sense of belonging and connection, internal communicators should tailor their messages to specific departments or individual employee interests. Personalized communication shows that the organization values each employee as an individual, leading to a stronger emotional connection with the company. Employees are more likely to engage with messages that directly relate to their roles, interests, and concerns, creating a more engaged and motivated workforce.

Mistake #5: Forgetting to Measure and Analyze Communication Effectiveness

Effective internal communication requires continuous improvement, and this can only be achieved through data-driven insights. Internal communicators should not overlook the importance of measuring and analyzing the effectiveness of their communication efforts.

By implementing tools to collect feedback, track engagement metrics, and analyze the impact of communication campaigns, internal communicators can gain valuable insights into what works and what needs improvement. Understanding the success of different strategies helps them refine their approach, making their communication efforts more impactful and efficient. Regular analysis of communication effectiveness allows internal communicators to make informed decisions and continuously optimize their communication tactics to keep employees engaged and connected.
Make sure to take a look at our Communication Insights solution to see how easy and valuable monitoring your internal communication can be!

By avoiding these five common mistakes, internal communicators can create a thriving and engaging communication ecosystem within their organizations, enhancing employee satisfaction, productivity, and overall success.


As an internal communicator in 2023, avoiding these five mistakes is essential for creating a highly engaging internal communication strategy and boosting employee engagement. Embracing two-way communication, incorporating visual content, optimizing for mobile, personalizing messages, and consistently analyzing performance will lead to a more connected and motivated workforce.
Want to go further and improve your internal communication? Make sure to read our article about the best practices in Internal Communication!

About Tryane Analytics

Tryane Analytics was established in 2008 with the mission of empowering internal communications with actionable insights allowing them to be more efficient. Communication Insights is the latest and most comprehensive solution of Tryane Analytics. It is an all-in-one analytics solution to connect all your internal communication channels (email newsletter, intranet/digital workplace, enterprise social network) and access a holistic view of all your KPIs in one place.

Our cross-channel analytics platform helps internal communication professionals to be more efficient and gain valuable insights including two of our most popular features: Best Time to Post, which optimizes communication timing for maximum reach, and Monthly Reports that helps you provide accurate data effortlessly, in just one click. Increase your chances of reaching your target audience effectively and access comprehensive data to make informed decisions instantly. Streamline your performance tracking, adapt your strategies, and make data-driven decisions with Communication Insights:

Communication Insights by Tryane
Communication Insights by Tryane

Communication Insights by Tryane Analytics

Contact us today to learn more about our all-in-one analytics solution for internal communications. Get an understanding of the best ways to use your data to optimize your company’s internal communications and better engage employees.

Internal Communication Errors, Common Communication Mistakes, Avoiding Internal Communication Blunders, Effective Workplace Communication, Internal Communication Best Practices, Communication Pitfalls to Avoid, Mistakes in Corporate Communication, Improving Internal Communication, Communication Strategy Errors, Internal Communication Challenges, Avoiding Miscommunication, Effective Employee Communication, Internal Communication Solutions, Communication Failures in Organizations, Enhancing Team Communication, Employee Engagement Mistakes, Effective Communication Strategies, Internal Communication Oversight, Preventing Communication Breakdowns, Employee Feedback Best Practices