As a member of the internal communications department, you understand the significance of effective communication within an organization. SharePoint, he most deployed Intranet platform in the world, plays a crucial role in facilitating this process. However, to truly harness its potential, you must gain insights into how users engage with your content. That’s where SharePoint native Analytics comes in. 

Key Benefits of SharePoint native Analytics 

  • Content Performance Evaluation: On each item (news article, page, announcement, document…) the native analytics will show you the number of views, unique viewers, average time spent for the last 7, 30 and 90 days. Identify which pieces of content receive the most views, comments, and likes. This information can guide you in tailoring your content to better suit your audience’s preferences. To learn more, visit the Microsoft page
  • Understanding the Global Traffic Dynamics: Delving into SharePoint Analytics unveils a comprehensive understanding of traffic dynamics, encompassing unique visitor metrics, global visitor counts, and average time spent on the SharePoint platform. These key performance indicators (KPIs) illuminate the engagement landscape, enabling precise insights into user interactions and behaviors. 
  •  Site Performance Analysis: Site visits provide a simple overview of traffic dynamics on your SharePoint site, like Unique viewers, Site visits, Average time spent per user, Popular content… These datas are available for the last 7 days, last 30 days, and last 90 days. To learn more, visit the Microsoft page

Source: Microsoft

Limitations of Native SharePoint Analytics 

Despite its advantages, native SharePoint Analytics also has its limitations: 

  • Data History Limitation: Native analytics restricts users to studying data over fixed periods (7/30/60/90 days) with a limited data history of six months. 
  • No Audience Segmentation: It lacks the ability to zoom in on specific populations, providing only a global view of the tenant. 
  • Limited Analysis Flexibility: Users must manually construct rankings, which can be time-consuming, as the tool does not offer flexibility in analysis. 
  • No Analysis by Meta-data: Users cannot analyze similar content tagged with the same meta-data, limiting insights into content performance. 
  • Lack of Traffic/Content Analysis: Native analytics does not allow users to identify traffic sources on SharePoint, hindering comprehensive content analysis. 

Communication Insights for SharePoint 

For those seeking deeper insights, Communication Insights (CI) for SharePoint offers enhanced functionalities: 

  • Custom Time Periods & Unlimited Data History: CI allows observation of all Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) across various time periods without data history limitations. 
  • Easy Audience Segmentation: Seamlessly connect with Active Directory to segment KPIs by country, department, or business unit. 
  • Top Content View: CI presents an overview of top-performing content, including popular pages, documents, announcements, and news on any given time period. 
  • Meta-data Content Filter: Filter content by metadata (example: type of news) to compare the performance of similar items such as corporate news or HR documents. 
  • Correlation of Traffic with Content: Analyze any peak of views and understand which content drives traffic to your SharePoint site. 

In conclusion, while native SharePoint Analytics provides basic insights, Communication Insights for SharePoint offers a more comprehensive understanding of user behavior and content engagement. By leveraging CI alongside native analytics, internal communications professionals can optimize their strategies effectively, leading to enhanced employee engagement and a more connected workplace. 

About Tryane Analytics

Tryane Analytics was established in 2008 with the mission of empowering internal communications with actionable insights allowing them to be more efficient. Communication Insights is the latest and most comprehensive solution of Tryane Analytics. It is an all-in-one analytics solution to connect all your internal communication channels (email newsletter, intranet/digital workplace, enterprise social network) and access a holistic view of all your KPIs in one place.

Our cross-channel analytics platform helps internal communication professionals to be more efficient and gain valuable insights including two of our most popular features: Best Time to Post, which optimizes communication timing for maximum reach, and Monthly Reports that helps you provide accurate data effortlessly, in just one click. Increase your chances of reaching your target audience effectively and access comprehensive data to make informed decisions instantly. Streamline your performance tracking, adapt your strategies, and make data-driven decisions with Communication Insights:

Communication Insights by Tryane Analytics

Contact us today to learn more about our all-in-one analytics solution for internal communications.